Hick's LAw

How Hick’s Law Helped MySiteAuditor Increase Conversions by 25%

This is the story of how we successfully applied “Hick’s Law” to MySiteAuditor and increased conversions by more than 25%. The reason I’m so excited to share this case study with you is it had such huge impact on our site, and it can be applied to almost any type of conversion form, whether it’s a simple free trial form, contact form, or free website analysis tool. So, use this case study to think about how you can apply Hick’s Law to your website or digital marketing strategy. Read more

free seo contract template

The Killer SEO Contract – Free Download Now!

I’ve sold millions of dollars in SEO services over the last 10 years using this SEO contract. Of course it’s been revised a dozen times and tweaked from year-to-year, but as of today it’s the best SEO contract I have ever used. But I’m not the only one who thinks so, I get compliments from our clients about it daily. They love how simple and easy it is to understand, and from my experience, the easier it is for our clients to understand, the more comfortable they will be signing it. That’s why I’ve tweaked it to a simple perfection. Read more

Link Earning Infographic

Link Earning vs. Link Building Infographic

Understanding the difference between “link earning and link building” is critical for SEO companies and for those thinking of hiring an SEO company. We need to be smarter in our approach and more ethical with our tactics. “Link earning” is the perfect opportunity to do so. Every SEO company in the world should stop “link building” and start “link earning”. Read more

How to get more email subscribers

5 Super Secrets: How to Get Your Blog 1000s of Email Subscribers

I’ve been the CEO of a digital marketing agency for 10 years, and I would like to share 5 super secrets that our team uses to get our clients 1000’s of email subscribers. But, this post isn’t about how to write better blog posts. Let’s assume you already do that. This post is about how to turn your visitors into subscribers. In other words  I want to help you increase the conversion rate of your email subscription form. Read more

Website Transparency

The Most Important Website Trend in 2014 is…

The most important website trend in 2014 is transparency. If you have a website today transparency can really make or break your success. Transparency affects traffic, conversions, and sales. I’ve run The Ocean Agency for the last 10 years, and the one thing I find myself encouraging our clients to do more and more often is be more transparent. But it’s not easy; our clients need our help. So, in addition to listing the reasons why it’s so important be transparent on your website, I’ve also listed a number of ways to be more transparent. Read more

Website Navigation Menu Tips and Mistakes

17 Major Main Menu Mistakes

Did you know that your main menu is a part of your marketing? It’s true. What your menu says gives your visitors a small indication of what your website is about and whether or not they are in the right place. Main menu mistakes can lead to high bounce rate, low length of time on site, and low rankings in search engines. Worst of all, main menu mistakes directly impact the amount of leads and sales from your website. Read more

SEO Leads

5 Ways To Get More SEO Leads Using MySiteAuditor

Hey peeps. Here’s a quick post on how to maximize the amount of leads you get from MySiteAuditor. I’ve used an SEO audit tool for over 5 years to generate thousands of SEO and web design leads, and I have lots of good data and experience to share. I apologize if some of these things seem obvious, but I checked out a lot of sites using MySiteAuditor and I constantly see my opportunities to generate more SEO leads. Read more

Top SEO Blogs

Top 40 SEO Blogs to Read in 2014

These are the top 40 SEO blogs you should read in 2014. I spent over 10 hours researching, reading, and interviewing people in the SEO industry to narrow down the best SEO blogs. I was actually a little surprised to see that quality SEO blogs are very rare. Much of what I came across was pure crap that contained overly optimized articles that were written for the quantity of content, rather than the quality. Read more

RGB in marketing

Why Every Digital Marketing Agency Should Practice “R.G.B.”

In our office “R.G.B.” stands for Relationship, Goals, udget. I created and started using that acronym a few years ago to help our digital marketing team remember how important relationships, goals, and budgets are when trying to achieve success in an agency. The acronym made it easier for everyone to remember; after all, many people on our team have come from a creative background and are familiar with the RGB color model. In a sense, I hijacked RGB and applied a different meaning to the acronym. Read more

Website Audit Tool

MySiteAuditor Launches!

A long awaited update to SEOGROUP is finally here. We’ve rebranded and completely updated our white-label website audit tool. The tool is now called MySiteAuditor. MySiteAuditor is a lead generating website audit tool for SEO firms to easily embed on their website. Any business or website owner looking for SEO, web design, online PR, or any other digital marketing service will love the ability to instantly SEO audit their website and competitor websites. But, they can only do so if they enter their name, number, and email address. Read more

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