eat seo

Understanding Google’s E-A-T: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital landscape, 68% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. Therefore, Search Engine Optimization should be a priority for all website owners. And if you want your site to climb the Google rankings, EAT SEO can become your secret weapon.

Having been introduced in 2014, EAT for SEO is an important set of guidelines that can help you gain a better understanding of Google’s algorithm and climb the Search Engine Results Pages with greater success, which will increase traffic and build the strongest platform for increased sales. 

In this comprehensive guide to EAT SEO, our experts will answer all of your burning questions, including but not limited to;

  • What is EAT in SEO?
  • What does the Google EAT acronym stand for?
  • How can I use the Google EAT guidelines to boost my website?
  • How does EAT in SEO change depending on my industry?
  • What SEO EAT myths should I understand?
  • How can I get started with EAT Google today?

Are you ready to EAT in SEO and finally taste sweet success in the digital arena? Let’s dig in.

A Deep Dive into E-A-T’s Components:

eat in seo

Any website owner or digital marketer will appreciate the importance of SEO. After all, somewhere between 71% and 92% of all clicks are gained by sites that appear on the first page of the SERPs. As such, high-ranking content that satisfies Google’s search algorithm should be a continued priority.

Before you can build authority with Google E.A.T., you must first break down the acronym. Google EAT stands for;

  • Expertise 
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

It should also be noted that the Google EAT algorithm update of 2022 saw the word ‘Experience’ added to the equation by some experts to extend the acronym to E-E-A-T. Rather than relating to how long ago the content was published, Experience revolves around whether the content stems from the creator’s own life experiences.

Ultimately, EAT SEO Google tactics are useful for both local SEO and organic rankings. Here’s all you need to know about the three distinct elements of E-A-T SEO.


Firstly, it should be known that EAT SEO is primarily aimed at Your Money, Your Life (YMYL) websites. These are websites that focus on topics that can significantly influence a person’s life – either in relation to their health, wealth, or general happiness. 

Google’s mission statement is to direct its visitors to the most relevant and valuable websites in relation to their search terms, which is what it tries to do when ranking the 200million+ active sites currently online. Because YMYL websites are capable of influencing public opinion and decision-making processes, Google’s search algorithm prefers to display content from experts in their fields.

Content creators are expected to show that they boast the necessary knowledge to provide insights or advice on the chosen topic. Expertise can either come directly from the author (if they are a professional in the field, for example) or from third-party experts. Examples of this include incorporating verified statistics and facts or interviewing a relevant professional.

Expertise is considered a key attribute in Google’s search quality rater guidelines because anyone can upload content to the internet. High-quality content from experts in their fields will give the user far more value, which is why Google subsequently gives those websites a higher ranking than those from unqualified or unverified authors.


Authoritativeness ultimately means becoming the “go-to” outlet for answers and advice on a chosen topic. While a focus on EAT Google SEO will actively encourage you to build authority, the truth is that website owners do this naturally to impress Google and users alike.

The two main ways to build authority are link-building and topical authority. Topical authority comes from producing lots of content on a specific topic. If you want to rank as the “go-to” source for advice on marathon training, for example, you should create lots of content based on relevant content. This may include different training routines, a diary of your own training, advice from professional runners, and insights into related issues like injuries or footwear.

However, link-building has long been seen as the ideal way to build authority as it shows other creators and websites view you as a reliable and trustworthy source of info on a subject. Backlinks can be gained through viral content, paid links, and various other methods. The key is to focus on gaining them from authoritative sites.

With this in mind, social media channels and other online resources can be valuable assets for gaining backlinks to your original web pages. EAT SEO reviewers will soon see that you are viewed as an authoritative voice in the industry. In turn, Google’s algorithm will ensure that new users looking for content on your chosen topic are directed to your site.


Trustworthiness is another essential ingredient in the recipe for success in EAT Google SEO strategies. After all, the search engine needs to guide users to relevant high-quality content from reliable authors. Otherwise, Google users would soon turn to Bing or DuckDuckGo.

Often deemed the most important part of the E-A-T trident, trust is achieved in several ways. In eCommerce, this means having secure payments and safe data protection. Likewise, customer services should meet the desired standards while product reviews and information should be honest. Positive reviews of your business, in the form of testimonials or verified reviews from independent companies and content creators, are also useful.

There should also be a high degree of accuracy and no conflict of interest. As well as confirming its place as an authoritative site, this move will win over consumers and encourage them to increase their spend. Trust can also be gained through association with other authoritative voices, such as influencers or expats who use your products.

Trust is everything in modern business, not least when building authority and firing your website up the Google rankings. As such, it must be a focal point of any effective EAT Google SEO strategy. Not least because a website that is seen as untrustworthy could potentially experience a Google penalty or even be removed from the index altogether. 

Google’s Search Quality Raters & E-A-T

Google's search quality

While Google EAT doesn’t technically impact a page’s ranking, the overlap with various ranking factors cannot be ignored. A site that provides expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness will also be deemed more relevant and useful. Given that around 100,000 Google searches are made every second, acknowledging how Google’s search quality rater guidelines influence the possess is pivotal for all site owners.

The December 2022 Google EAT algorithm update was the most significant to date, not least because it provided the most detailed insight into what its search quality raters look for, as well as what could be considered “harmful” content – usually content that isn’t considered sufficiently trustworthy.

Google’s search quality rater guidelines should subsequently help you master EAT Google SEO and deliver high-ranking content. The focal points for reviewers are;

  • Determine who owns the website and who created the content on the page.
  • Assess the page’s purpose and determine whether it is at all misleading.
  • Assess how well the content achieves its purpose while also looking for spam.
  • Determine whether it’s a hobbyist or professional site.
  • Confirm whether financial transactions are involved for content or products.
  • Determine the reputation of the content creator within the niche.

E-A-T Across Different Industries

google eat guidelines

When considering any aspect of Search Engine Optimization, it’s important to remember that high-quality content and strategies must be contextualized by the aims of the individual website. Crucially, then, website owners need to appreciate how Google E.A.T practices differ across various industries. 

For starters, SEO for eCommerce will have different requirements to SEO for local SMEs. However, it’s equally crucial to understand how EAT Google SEO tactics change from one YMYL sector to another. Some of the biggest industries are detailed below;

Finance & Legal

When people look for financial or legal advice, they need the info to be accurate and trustworthy. The Google EAT algorithm update understands this and means that all YMYL sites in this arena should;

  • Include heavily researched and fact-checked data.
  • Updated to reflect the latest regulations.
  • Be provided by verified and credible authors or content creators.

Health & Wellness

Nothing is more important than your health. While it is a broad industry with many subcategories and niches. However, EAT Google SEO practices relating to this landscape should focus on;

  • Citations and correctly sourced statistics and research.
  • Fact-checked interpretations of any research.
  • Google EAT compliance.

Home & Lifestyle

Lifestyle topics can be broken down into various niches like home and garden, parenting, real estate, fitness, or even product purchases. When creating content in these areas, it’s important to provide;

  • Credited research if a claim could impact the person’s health.
  • Proof of expertise and where the advice comes from.
  • Insights into potential drawbacks or dangers.

Science, Tech, Engineering, & Mathematics

The STEM industry is uniquely placed as its importance means accuracy is everything. Google’s algorithm and EAT Google SEO reviewers are very strict. The key issues to focus on when producing content in this field are;

  • Only use established facts.
  • Avoid unsubstantiated new claims and theories.
  • Only use the primary sources.

Improving Your Site’s E-A-T

google eat seo

The whole point of understanding Google EAT SEO guidelines and techniques is to strengthen your site’s position. Now that you know what reviewers look for and the criteria used to judge web pages, the next step is to build a strategy capable of improving the site’s E-A-T. 

Here are eight great actionable steps that will lead you to success.

Get a professional site audit

Seeking professional guidance on how to boost E-A-T while simultaneously aiding your standard SEO can help you identify the issues currently holding you back. This is especially true if you gain a full report of your website. From here, you can quickly determine which of the following steps will add the most value to your site. 

Use your About pages

EAT SEO reviewers want to know whether you’re a credible source of information. Creating a detailed About page is a great way to do this. Furthermore, Author pages give detailed insights into what makes an individual content creator qualified to deliver advice on a specific topic. As such, all three parts of the E-A-T trident will be covered.

Focus on quality

Comprehensive content will rank higher than generic posts that anybody could write. Providing further details that actually add value to the YMYL site is essential. To do this, you must think about who the audience is as well as their intent. You can also use the “People Also Ask” questions to highlight what additional info may be useful.

Have a clear purpose

An effective webpage will make its purpose clear to Google’s algorithm, as well as the reader. Headings and titles are an ideal way to do this while also breaking the content up. It should also be clear from the heading and your intro whether the content is designed to provide information, teach something, or help them make a decision.

Work with relevant experts

Collaborations are useful for many reasons, but especially in relation to EAT SEO. The experts provide additional expertise, authority, and trust – as well as experience – while also introducing new viewpoints. The fact that they will link to the content on your site, thus bringing high authority links for further rewards. Guest posts and interviews are ideal.

Link out

Link-building isn’t only about getting links directed to your site. Linking out to relevant and authoritative sources like studies or other experts in the field can work wonders. It makes your site a part of the conversation while also highlighting your desire to give readers extra value. This looks great for your website’s E-A-T attributes.

Protect yourself

Trust and authority will come under scrutiny if you allow others to attack your band. False reviews, counterfeit pages, and other dangers will all threaten the business. So, claiming your branded social media pages is essential. When combined with advanced cybersecurity for your website, you should find that your EAT Google SEO stays high.

Update regularly

Finally, you should recognize that your site’s Google EAT results will suffer if your content becomes outdated. Updating old content to reflect changing regulations or new developments within the field of expertise can make a huge difference. It shows that your content remains relevant for the long haul, which helps uses and Google alike.

Debunking E-A-T Myths

Debunking myths

By now, you should be able to answer key questions like “What is Google EAT?” and “How can Google EAT SEO help my website?” but it’s also necessary to debunk some myths surrounding the topic of EAT for SEO. Otherwise, you will struggle to unlock its full potential. 

Given that Google boasts over 90% of the worldwide search engine market share, appreciating the following elements is vital.

Google EAT is NOT a ranking factor

Anyone who has analyzed SEO will know that there is a list of over 200 ranking factor criteria that influence a webpage’s positioning. Contrary to what some people think, though, EAT is not a ranking factor. Instead, it can be considered as a signal that will guide you toward high ranking content. This will organically improve many of the ranking metrics too.

Google EAT is NOT analyzed by bots

While many aspects of SEO are managed by Google crawlers, this is not the case with Google EAT SEO elements. Instead, professional experts are hired to analyze webpages in relation to Google’s search quality rater guidelines. They are then subsequently tasked with delivering feedback to determine how relevant and valuable a site’s content is.

Google EAT is NOT new

The 2022 Google EAT algorithm update gained a lot of attention and saw many developers pay attention. But Google introduced the concept in 2014 while the “medic” E-A-T update was announced in 2018. While the term is relatively new for many marketers, most SEO experts have focused on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness for some time. 

Google EAT is NOT an instant upgrade

Once you understand that EAT SEO analysis is conducted by human reviewers, it would be easy to assume that the benefits are seen as soon as they complete their feedback. However, it can take months for your site’s increased user trust to influence its position on the SERPs. As long as you maintain the elements of EAT, though, the benefits will last.

Google EAT is NOT a replacement for traditional SEO

EAT SEO is not a ranking factor, and it is also not a replacement for technical SEO and elements like keyword density. Furthermore, it is only necessary for YMYL websites. Even then, it should be seen as a significant addition that will help you tap into the full potential of the Google algorithm and Google-generated traffic rather than an SEO replacement. 


Google SEO EAT practices have become an essential feature for all YMYL website owners and will go a long way to helping your website dominate the digital arena. You can tap into its power by showing expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness to create high-quality content time and time again. In addition to boosting your Google ranking, it will add value to the user experience. It is the ultimate way to increase traffic, leads, and sales.

Before implementing EAT SEO into your digital marketing strategy, though, you must first gain a deeper understanding of how the website is currently performing. From there, you can take the necessary steps to unlock long-term success.

To gain a full SEO audit and begin your journey towards improved website marketing, get in touch with MySiteAuditor to arrange a free 10-day trial today!